Mustang Make Ups Information
2 years ago
"Mustang Make-Ups" (MMU) is an opportunity for students to complete and submit missing assignments to their teachers. If you would like to attend a "Mustang Make Ups" session and get credit for missing assignments, please complete the following steps:
Retrieve an MMU form from the College and Career Center (Room 403) or in the Document Container below. You will need a form for EACH class you will complete assignments for.
Complete the form by writing in the missing assignment(s) you would like to make-up.
Ask your teacher(s) to approve your request to complete late work. YOU MUST HAVE TEACHER APPROVAL TO ATTEND A MUSTANG MAKE UPS SESSION. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that you will receive credit for the work you complete.
Arrive at the next MMU Saturday session promptly at 8:00 am and report to the assigned room. Bring all necessary materials to complete your work. You are required to work until 12:00 noon, and YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE EARLY.
Work quietly. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may cause you to be dismissed before you have completed your work.
Turn completed work into the MMU teacher. He or she will keep your work and your form and submit your completed work to your teachers.
A Free lunch will be provided at noon. You must register online in order to recieve a lunch.
If you have questions, please contact Ms. Rivera in the College and Career Center, room 403.