Building & Construction
Grades: 9-12
Semester – 5 credits
Prerequisite: None
Students learn entry-level skills in the construction industry and study the fundamentals of residential and commercial building practice. Students construct model concrete slab foundations, erect stud walls, build up roof components, and assemble roof truss elements in a scale home project. In addition, students learn about typical tract home assembly practice along with modular home construction techniques. Course can be repeated for credit.
Grades: 9-12
Year – 10 credits
Prerequisite: Construction I
Students work collaboratively in student teams of two, completing two weeks of hands-on activities in each sixteen Construction Trade Areas (CTA). Each CTA begins with an understanding of the tools, vocabulary, and materials used in the trade. Students follow the Taylors as they remodel their home. Each CTA describes how the trade contributes to the completion of the remodeling project and where the trade fits into the timeline. The CTA incorporates a video of each activity and presents step-by-step instruction, guiding students through the CTA. A CTA guide book follows the video and gives the students detailed written instructions on each activity. Students use industry accepted tools and materials as they complete the hands-on activities. The following are the sixteen Construction Trade Areas: Blueprint reading, Communications, Electrical, Finish Carpentry, Hand tools, Plumbing, Roof Framing, Wall Framing, Cabinet making, Drywall, Estimation, Green Construction, HVAC, Power tools, Tile Setting, Weatherization.
Construction III
Grades: 10-12
Year – 10 credits
Prerequisite: Construction II or teacher’s recommendation
Students work in teams to complete assigned tasks, projects, and modules. The projects may come from the school or community. Students may also complete any of the 16 Construction Trade Areas (CTA) they may not have had time to finish in Construction II. Additional CTAs for Construction III are as follows: Concrete, Hydraulics, Solar, Fiber Optics, Masonry, & Surveying.
Pathway Sequence:
*Construction II to III= Pathway Completion
Tech theater
Grade: 11
Year - 10 credits
This course is designed to provide the student with a hands-on introduction to the art of scene design and construction, stage lighting, and sound. The lectures and activities are intended primarily as a means of educating the student in an area of the Theater world that will enhance his/her understanding and awareness of the behind-the scenes processes involved in stage productions. F or G category in A-G's