
Welcome to the Rancho Verde High School Technology Help page. Please visit the links to the various topics for which you might need assistance.

Google Chromebooks

8 days ago


Logging on to a Chromebook:

Chromebooks require the use of a VVUSD Google account. 


  • Username is
  • Password is10-digit Permanent ID number (on ID card)
  • EXAMPLE: John Smith, DOB: 06/22/94
                      Perm ID: 2000054321

                username:, password: 2000054321


  • Username is
  • Password isyour current Windows desktop password

If you are unable to log on to a Chromebook with your staff account, you can:
Reset your own VVUSD Google password by resetting your desktop password. Once the desktop password is changed, it automatically syncs your Google password to match. Try manually resetting your desktop password (when logged onto computer, press CTRL+ALT+DEL, click Change password...), then check Google again.


Google Chromebook Tips:

  • Chromebooks are not Windows devices. They do not have Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Paint, etc.) installed. Instead, they have "Google Drive" apps (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Draw) that are "compatible" with Microsoft Office. Click for help with Google Drive.
  • Chromebooks are not to be logged on with students' personal Gmail accounts. Only district-issued Google accounts should be used.
  • Students can use USB flashdrives with the Chromebooks to store files "offline" (download); otherwise, all files will be saved to their Google Drive online "cloud" storage. All files saved to the Google Drive can also be accessed from any other device with access to the web (i.e. desktop computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.). Students have 30GB of storage space for any non-Google Docs files (music, videos, pictures, PDFs, etc.). Google Doc files do not count toward the 30GB space limit in the student's Drive account.

Resources for how to use Chromebooks with your students:


Tech Support

Teacher Techs: Vivian Casillas, and Brian Fisher IT Helpline If your Teacher Techs are unavailable or unable to resolve your issue, you may also create an IT Help Desk ticket.


8 days ago

RVHS Printing Policy for Teachers & Students


Adding Your Networked Printer

How to Add Your Printer

Toner Replacements

Toner replacements can be ordered when your current cartridge is at 10% or less remaining ink.

To place an order, contact the front desk and/or Principal's Secretary.

- You must provide the following information for your order to be processed:

  • Your room number
  • The brand & model of your printer (e.g. Xerox Phaser 4500)
  • The Image Source serial number (e.g. MXX123456)

- Toner is delivered in approximately 1-3 days to the front office.

- Conserve ink as much as possible (limit = 1 toner per school year); Use the print shop when possible.

Printing Problems

- Paper jams, error lights, offline printers, etc.? = Contact your Teacher Techs

Error Light Guide:

  • Flashing red: Your toner has reached 10% or less. Place the toner order (see above)
  • Solid red: Out of paper and/or 0% ink remaining
  • Solid Orange: Paper jam or hardware malfunction
  • Green: Good to go (if you still can't print with a green light, ask for assistance)
  • No light: Printer is off. Flip the power switch, usually located on left side of printer


Outlook (E-Mail)

8 days ago

Creating a Distribution List

Creating an E-Mail Signature

  1. In MS Outlook, go to File > Options > Mail
  2. Under "Create or modify signatures for messages", click on Signatures...
  3. In the E-Mail Signature tab, click New, and type in a name for the signature (i.e. Work, Home, etc.)
  4. In the textbox, type your signature (i.e. Name, Title, School, Phone Extension, etc.)
  5. Use the tools to choose your desired fonts, colors, & other formatting
  6. Insert a photo or hyperlink, if desired
  7. Click the Save button to save the signature
  8. Assign your default signature for both new messages and replies/forwards

Cleaning Out Large Files

Blocking Senders

Syncing Mail to Your iPhone, Android, Tablet (or non-VVUSD iPad)

How to Sync iPhone/Android/Smart Phone/Tablet, etc. with Outlook:

(steps 1 through 3 may vary, depending on your device)


  • From your starting screen, go to your Settings menu
  • Go to Mail, Contacts, Calendar >
  • Under Accounts, select Add Account…>
  • Select Microsoft Exchange
  • Enter:
    • Your full email address (
    • Domain (
    • Username (firstinitiallastname)
    • Password (whatever your most current password is)
    • Description is optional
  • Press Next button
  • Enter the server name:
  • Finish the remaining menu(s).
  • This set-up process will also sync calendar(s) and contacts if you opt to do so.

After set-up, you should begin receiving notifications on your main mail app. It may take several minutes for all of your mail/data to load onto the device.


1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus leo ante, consectetur sit amet vulputate vel, dapibus sit amet lectus.

Password Resets

8 days ago

Staff Password Resets


Network Computer Account

Contact Teacher Techs
OR see How to Reset Your Password from the VVUSD Web Site


Contact Teacher Techs OR

- Contact IT Help Line, ext.10123


Contact IT Help Line, ext.10123

Google Apps

You reset your own Google Apps password by resetting your desktop password. Once the desktop password is changed, it automatically syncs your Google password to match. Try manually resetting your desktop password (when logged onto computer, press CTRL+ALT+DEL, click Change password...), then check Google again.
Or, contact Teacher Techs