College and Career Center

7 years ago

Welcome to the College & Career Center (CCC) at RVHS!

HOURS: Open 7AM-3:30PM Monday - Friday. During lunch and after school.

  • Career/Personality assessments via COIN3
  • College, Scholarship and Career Research
  • College Presentations/Admission Advisors
  • College Campus Tours 
  • SAT/ACT Fee Waivers
  • College Application Fee Waivers for eligible students
  • Community Service 
  • Computer Access/Printing
  • Financial Aid Workshops 
  • Scholarship Applications
  • UCR Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP)  
  • Work Permits
Contact: Beverly Herring, Guidance Tech at 951-490-4680, ext. 31403
Rancho Verde High School Code: 052-056

SENIORS: Visit the Scholarship section on this page to get more info on scholarships available. Check your emails for notifications from colleges and financial aid. Get your community service hours completed. Don't wait! The requirement to graduate is 40 hours. FAFSA is also now a graduation requirement. The application opens Oct 1 of senior year.  
JUNIORS:  Make sure to register to take the ACT & SAT beginning second semester of your Junior year. Research colleges. Continue working towards completing your community service.
SOPHOMORES: Avoid the "Sophomore slump"!
FRESHMEN: Stay Focused! Enrich your experience by joining a club or activity on campus!

CCC - Community Service

7 years ago

All RVHS Students are required to complete 40 hours of community service done through volunteer work in order to meet the high school graduation requirements.

Qualifying community service hours are to be completed by working with:

Non-profit Organizations: An association, club, or society that is operated exclusively for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure, recreation or any other purpose except profit. Organizations can be verified by a Counselor.

Religious Organizations: 
In order to be applicable, the service performed must be an educational or non-religious activity that benefits the religious community (non-financially).
For example: Babysitting during services, Teaching Bible lessons/VBS, outreach activities and/or ministries, painting church buildings, assisting with clothing or food distributions, working in shelters, or participation on mission trips. 

The following are
NOT considered qualified community service:

Religious Organizations:
Services that are NOT applicable include those performed as a part of normal rituals or ceremonies in any specific religion thus participating in religious service such as choir, ushering, alter service, reading the Bible/Torah.

Rr Traditional School-Sponsored Activities:
Activities performed which are traditional extra-curricular activities are NOT applicable. Thus, participation in Student Government, Marching Band, National Honor Society and clubs or teams do not qualify unless the groups are organizing and/or performing specific service or activities that benefit the community.

Se Service through the Judicial System: 
Community service which is court-ordered or assigned is NOT applicable.



40 hours must be completed by April 30th of the student's 12th grade year. Community Service Time Logs can be submitted with a minimum of 10 hours. The log sheet can be downloaded here or students can pick them up from the College and Career Center. It is recommended that completed logs be submitted to Mrs. Herring in the College & Career Center by the end of the current semester. 

Other Information...

Incoming freshman may complete hours during the summer prior to entering high school.  Service completed during weekends and vacation time will be credited with no more than 8 hours per day. It is recommended that volunteer service be described and approved prior to beginning any service to ensure that the student's hours will be accepted. Hours that cannot be verified will not be counted. Visit the College & Career Center to pick up an updated list of organizations in our area that are currently providing volunteer opportunities.


Community Service Brochure (spanish)

Community Service Log Sheet

College and Career Center (CCC)

7 years ago

Welcome to the College & Career Center (CCC) at RVHS!

HOURS: Open 7AM-3:30PM Monday - Friday. During lunch and after school.



  • Career/Personality assessments viaCOIN3
  • College, Scholarship and Career Research
  • College Presentations/Admission Advisors
  • College Campus Tours 
  • SAT/ACT Fee Waivers
  • College Application Fee Waivers for eligible students
  • Community Service 
  • Computer Access/Printing
  • Financial Aid Workshops 
  • Scholarship Applications
  • UCR Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP)  
  • Work Permits

Contact: Beverly Herring, Guidance Tech at 951-490-4680, ext. 31403

Rancho Verde High School Code: 052-056

SENIORS: Visit the Scholarship section on this page to get more info on scholarships available. Check your emails for notifications from colleges and financial aid. Get your community service hours completed. Don't wait! The requirement to graduate is 40 hours. FAFSA is also now a graduation requirement. The application opens Oct 1 of senior year.  


JUNIORS:  Make sure to register to take the ACT & SAT beginning second semester of your Junior year. Research colleges. Continue working towards completing your community service.


SOPHOMORES: Avoid the "Sophomore slump"!


FRESHMEN: Stay Focused! Enrich your experience by joining a club or activity on campus!

Upcoming Events

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